Services - Development and Registration Veterinary Biologicals & Vaccines

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Development and registration

Veterinary biologicals and vaccines

Examples of consultancy work accomplishment

Technical regulatory dossier writing

Production of the analytical dossier required for the EU deliberate release authorisation of a recombinant vaccine for poultry
Clinical safety & efficacy study reports review and summary for a new recombinant multivalent poultry vaccine
Analytical technical review and expert reports on new GMO vaccines destined to livestock animals
Technical summaries and expert reports on multiple analytical and clinical variations (pre-2022 and post-2022 systems) covering all aspects of the production, inactivation, potency testing of vaccines destined to most animal species, as well as their safety or efficacy and product claims
Veterinary biological regulatory affairs
Increasing veterinary vaccines accessibility

Biological products R&D

Expert to the Livestock Vaccines Innovation Fund (LVIF) - an initiative developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Affairs Canada and the International Development Research Center (IDRC) based in Ottawa. With a budget of CA$57 millions over seven years, LVIF supports the development, production and commercialisation of innovative vaccines against livestock neglected diseases in low- and middle-income countries  (LMICs). Regular technical review of over 30 vaccine development projects submitted by various research Institutes worldwide for funding request. Visits to research and vaccine development sites in Africa for technical discussion and assistance
Expert to the InnoVet AMR (antimicrobial resistance) funding programme. This four-year, CA$30 million partnership between IDRC and the UK Department of Health and Social Care’s (DHSC) Global AMR Innovation Fund (GAMRIF) is funding research to develop new animal biological products and other innovations to tackle AMR in livestock and  aquaculture production in LMIC. Critical review of multiple development projects, helping in the decision for funding
Expert to the European Commission HORIZON funding programme for the control of emergent veterinary diseases in Europe. Review of development proposals submitted by Research Institutes and Industry and monitoring of the periodic progress reports of EC funded projects.
Expert in the scientific and strategic committee of the French start-up Vaxinano. This Company combines a proprietary nanoparticle system and pathogen antigens for the vaccination of various animal species. Several published papers are demonstrating the excellent efficacy of their Toxoplasma gondii nanoparticle vaccine. This vaccine is currently used in multiple zoo worldwide in a variety of primates species and produces Toxoplasma disease eradication.

Antigen manufacturing development and transfer

Identification and management of all the technical and regulatory steps required to transfer the production of an existing recombinant antigen produced in Baculovirus to a new manufacturer, including adaptation to bioreactor and volume scale-up
Conversion of USDA veterinary vaccine dossier to EU part 2 dossier, identifying gaps and remedial activities
Preparation and submission of a regulatory dossier to transfer the EU re-testing activities between two sites
Veterinary biological products transfer activities
Veterinary products compliance & gap analysis

Technical and regulatory compliance

Assessment of technical and regulatory compliance of registered dossiers for entire product portfolios of a large veterinary products manufacturer covering EU, USA, Japan, Canada, Africa, South America and Asia
Produce assessment reports against the new requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia over the risk of extraneous agents contamination of immunological veterinary medicinal product from materials of avian, porcine, ovine, caprine, bovine, equine, feline or canine origin

Acquisitions of animal health biological products

Visit of a veterinary vaccine producer in South America for an extended technical review and reporting on their facilities, products and activities in preparation to a Due Diligence
Technical and regulatory due diligence for the industrial acquisition of porcine vaccines developed by a Spanish University
Veterinary vaccines acquisition
Veterinary vaccine development and registration

Vaccine manufacturing and quality development training

Vaccine potency test training for the R&D department of a large veterinary manufacturer in South America covering in vitro and in vivo potency tests for live, recombinant and inactivated vaccines. Emphasis on solutions to move from in vivo to in vitro potency tests
This training resulted in a request from the Company to help devise the potency test of two of their vaccines under development

One health

Since January 2022, responsible of the veterinary regulatory sector in the multidisciplinary team of OneHealth Pharma, contributing to the elaboration of an human health, animal health and environmental integrated approach, key to our planet's future. Various contributions to OneHealth topics discussions and client's requests over medicine unmet needs and minor species importance
Veterinary vaccines, biological products and One Health
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